Infertility Counselling
Currently, when couples or individuals wanting to discuss their feelings around their fertility pathways and its implications your only offered 1 or 2 sessions. As an independent infertility trained counsellor, I can offer more sessions and provide tailored support.
Unfortunately for some of you the fertility journey is traumatic and evasive, thwart with setbacks. Often each loss of a child goes unresolved and each pregnancies your find yourself anxious and unable to enjoy conceiving without fear. This may be due to historic complications, fibroids, recent miscarriages, or stillbirths.
I have lived experience and work with individuals and same sex couples. I routinely work with men to discuss their feelings either on their own or with their partner. In my successful private practice, I work with complex PTSD, trauma and healing old attachment injuries. I am trained Mindfulness based coach and seek to bring healing and a peace of mind. I offer a free sensitive consultation.